pg_loyalty_id <p style="color:#d63384">required if no pg_account_id</p>;Withdrawal account ID, UUIDv7;string/uuid
pg_account_id <p style="color:#d63384">required if no pg_loyalty_id</p>;Account ID v.2;string
pg_start_date; The start date of the period, if the date is not transmitted, then a period equal to 30 days is taken;datetime
pg_end_date;The end date of the period;datetime
pg_salt <p style="color:#d63384">required</p>;Random numbers and Latin letters<br><span style="font-size:14px">Example: some random string</span>;string
pg_sig <p style="color:#d63384">required</p>;Digital signature of the request;string
pg_merchant_id <p style="color:#d63384">required</p>;Store ID. Numbers.;integer