Almaty ___________ _____ 2024. 1. In accordance with Article 395 of the Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter referred to as the Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan), this Offer is an official public offer by the
Freedom Pay LLP payment organization (hereinafter referred to as the “Organization”), addressed to
Clients (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) in order to enter into an Agreement for the provision of payment services in the Freedom Pay System (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”).
2. Acceptance of the Offer shall mean that the
Company accepts and agrees with all the provisions hereof and undertakes to follow them. Since the Company accepted this Offer, it shall be considered as an Agreement entered into between the Organization and the Company and based on the terms and conditions established herein.
3. The Questionnaire for connection to the Freedom Pay System duly signed and submitted by the Company to the Organization shall be deemed the full and unconditional acceptance of this Public Offer.
1.Terms and Definitions1)Questionnaire is KYC (Know Your Customer) Connection Questionnaire representing an appendix hereto.
2)Bank/Acquiring Bank is a second-tier bank acting as a partner of the Organization and ensuring round-the-clock authorization of transactions carried out through the Company’s online stores using the System.
3)Payout is an operation initiated by the Company to transfer funds in favor of the Transfer Recipient by means of the System.
4)Online Store/Website of the Company is a software resource of the Company with unique web address on the Internet, providing information on the goods/works/services sold via the Internet, as well as accepting orders from Payers for their purchases. The requirements for the Online Store/Website of the Company are set out in Appendix 6 to the Questionnaire for connection to the System. The Company shall comply with all the requirements set out in Appendix 6 to the Questionnaire for connection to the System.
5)Information technology services are
the services that may not be considered payment services , in accordance with the law, namely:
a.technological support services for the provision of payment services, including those related to the processing and storage of data, authentication of payment service recipients, as well as the transfer for use and technological support of electronic terminals and equipment used in the provision of payment services; intended for information and technological interaction between the beneficiary represented by an individual entrepreneur, a legal entity and the payment service provider, when the latter transfers money in favor of the beneficiary for payments accepted from payers without the participation of third parties.
6)Personal account is a specialized section of the Company on the Organization's website, provided to the Company within the System, ensuring the use of the services provided for in paragraph 2.1 hereof, and ensuring that the Company receives real time information on the status of Payments, downloads the Registers of accepted payments and the Register of payments.
7)International payment system (IPS) is a system of settlements between banks of different countries, involving uniform payment instrument standards specific to this system.
8)Payment is a wire transaction initiated by the Payer in favor of the Company for goods/works/services sold by the Company via the System.
9)Payment service is a service provided by the Organization in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On payments and payment systems" (hereinafter referred to as the Law), as well as in accordance with the approved Rules of the Organization's activities, posted on the Organization's website, including services for processing payments initiated by the client in electronic form, and transferring the necessary information to the bank and/or organization that carries out certain types of banking operations, in order to pay and (or) transfer or accept money for these payments.
10)Service Provider/Company is a legal entity or an individual engaged in entrepreneurial activity without forming a legal entity, providing services to Clients related to the sale of goods, performance of works and/or provision of services, using the Organization's payment services and gaining access to Cardholder data in the course of providing entrepreneurial activity.
11)Payer is any individual or legal entity making Payments through the System.
12)Freedom Pay System/System/Freedom Pay Electronic Money System is a software and hardware complex used by the Organization and ensuring information and technological interaction between the Organization, Bank, Payer and the Company in the course of acceptance of Payments in favor of the Company, as well as within the framework of making Payments in favor of the Recipient of the transfer, initiated by the Company.
13)IPS Rules mean a set of documents regulating the activities of IPS participants.
14)Transfer recipient is a person in whose favor the Company initiates a Payment through the System.
15)Register of accepted payments/payouts is the Organization’s report, generated automatically by the System. The Registers represent the basis for generating work (service) completion certificates, indicating the total amount of services rendered for the period agreed upon by the Parties. The Register is an electronic file containing information on all applications routed in favor of the Company via the Organization's System. Registers are used as the basis for signing work (service) completion certificates, indicating the total amount of services rendered for the reporting period.
16)Transaction/Operation is a banking operation consisting in a transfer of money from one account to another.
17)Settlement participants include Bank, Payer, and Company.
18)Chargeback (Dispute Financial) is a requirement of the issuing bank to return to the cardholder the amount of the disputed transaction in the event of improper performance by the Company of its obligations to provide services paid for under the Agreement, or in the event of receipt by the issuing bank of an application from the cardholder from whose card account the payment was made, on the unlawful debiting of money from this card account to pay for services.
2. Subject of Agreement.
2.1.In accordance with the Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, this Agreement is a public offer becoming binding on the Parties from the date of signing and submission by the Company of the Application for connection to the System (hereinafter referred to as the "Application") (Appendix 1 hereto), which is an integral part of this Agreement.
2.2.In accordance with the applicable Agreement, the Organization may provide the Company, at its discretion, with the following types of services: related to the acceptance and execution of payments and settlements for goods and services, in favor of the Company through payment systems based on information technology and electronic payment processing means and methods; related to the acceptance, processing and issuance of financial information (processing, clearing) on payments and settlements of third parties to participants in the payment system, this processing and clearing center, including within the framework of Payments;
2.1.3. services related to the acceptance and processing of payments using electronic money implemented through the Freedom Pay Electronic Money System. These services are applied in accordance with paragraphs 7, 8 of Article 12 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Payments and Payment Systems" and the rules of the Freedom Pay Electronic Money System, set out on the Organization’s website ___________________. and other related services necessary to ensure the provision of services defined by the Agreement, and the Company undertakes to pay the Organization a fee for the services provided in accordance herewith, in the amount, terms and conditions approved in the relevant appendices.
2.2.The Agreement determines the procedure for interaction between the Organization and the Company in the course of the Operations, as well as the procedure for relevant settlements between the Organization and the Company. In order to avoid any discrepancies, the Parties determined that the Operations will be carried out by the Bank via a specialized transit account, and the Organization grants the Company the right to accept IPS payment cards for the Bank to carry out these Operations.
3.Procedure for Coordination between the Parties and Procedure for Mutual Settlements
3.1.For the purposes of coordination between the Company and the System, the Organization carries out the following actions:
3.1.1.carries out technical measures to connect the Company (Company’s Online Store/Website, the corresponding website, etc.) to the System in accordance with the technical requirements presented on the Organization’s website!/tab/413338475-2;
3.1.2.provides a Personal Account based on the results of the connection, where the Company receives information and technology capabilities and a formed list of services to accept Payments and Payouts;
3.1.3.The Company makes the appropriate settings using the Personal Account and connects their own Online Store Website.
3.2.The remuneration to the Organization for accepting Payments and making Payouts amounts a certain percentage rate (as a percentage or a fixed amount) of the amount of accepted Payments and the amount of Payouts, respectively, which are specified in the Questionnaire and are calculated based on the Registers that are generated by the System automatically.
3.3.All settlements and payments shall be made by the Parties in non-cash form and in the national currency of the Republic of Kazakhstan – tenge.
3.4.The Organization shall collect money on accepted Payments in favor of the Company to a specialized transit account specified in Section 12 hereof (Details of the Parties), using the System.
3.5.The Organization shall transfer money on accepted Payments from the specialized transit account of the Organization to the settlement account of the Company, after deduction of the remuneration, within the timeframes and under the conditions specified in the relevant appendices.
3.6.Payout transactions are carried out at the expense of the Company’s balance in the System, to be replenished by the Company to the specialized transit account of the Organization specified in Section 12 hereof (Details of the Parties). The Company’s balance in the System shall be replenished within 3 (three) business days from the day of receipt of the Company's funds on the specialized transit account of the Organization.
3.7.The work/service completion certificate shall be coordinated and accepted by the Parties according to the Rule for coordination of the work/service completion certificate that represents an integral part hereof. The Parties shall apply the terms and conditions established therein in order to receive payment services hereunder.
3.8.The remuneration to the Organization previously withheld from the Company for the payment acceptance and transfer transaction, for which a return was subsequently made, may not be returned in favor of the Company.
4. Rights and Obligations of the Parties
4.1.The Organization shall:4.1.1.No later than 5 (five) business days from the date of entry into the Agreement, ensure the appropriate settings of the System, as well as round-the-clock operation of the System for the purpose of accepting Payments from Payers in favor of the Company and making Payouts, as well as information message exchange between the System and the Company.
4.1.2.Send an electronic confirmation of accepted Payment and Payout transaction (System Message) to the Company, indicating a unique number by which it is possible to properly identify the details of the accepted Payment and the details of the Payout transaction.
4.1.3.Immediately suspend accepting Payments and making Payouts in the event of termination (suspension) of the powers of any of the services specified in the Questionnaire (Appendix 1 to the Public Offer). Such suspension, aimed at protecting the rights and interests of the Parties, shall not be considered as a violation of the Agreement and serve as a basis for the application of property sanctions or other negative consequences for the Organization.
4.1.4.Notify the Company of the suspension of services no later than the date of such suspension, indicating the reason and period of suspension.
4.1.5.Transfer the amount of all Payments received from Payers after deduction of the remuneration to the bank account of the Company specified in the Questionnaire, and within the timeframes specified in the Questionnaire.
4.1.6.Provide technical support to the System in accordance with the Section 7 hereof.
4.1.7.Generate Registers for each day (for the period from 00:00:00 to 23:59:59, Almaty time) and send the generated Registers to the e-mail address specified by the Company in the Details of the Parties no later than 23:59:59, Almaty time, on the first business day following the day of sending information about the Payment and Payouts. The Register form is defined in the corresponding Appendix 2 to the Public Offer. If there were no transfers, the Organization shall send to the Company the Registers with a zero value. Based on the submitted Registers of transfers, monthly Registers of Payments and Payouts are formed. Unilateral modification of the data in the submitted Registers by the Organization is not allowed.
4.1.8.Provide for the Bank's obligation to assume unconditional responsibility for the direction of funds in favor of the final beneficiary (payment recipient) in the Agreement concluded with the servicing Bank that has provided the Organization with a specialized transit account for receiving payments and making payouts.
4.2.The Organization may:
4.2.1.Modify the amount of remuneration under this Agreement, with prior notice to the Company at least 10 (ten) business days in the event of any change in the terms of services provided by the bank servicing the Organization and/or international payment systems, as well as in other cases.
4.2.2.Temporarily and unilaterally, with mandatory prior notice to the Company, indicating the reasons, suspend the fulfillment of obligations under the Agreement in the following cases: of circumstances that prevent the use of any hardware and software connected to the technical infrastructure of the Company, or specialized software – for the duration of any of such circumstances. of circumstances beyond the reasonable control of the Parties, which, in the opinion of the Organization, may entail significant losses for the Organization and/or the Company – for the duration of any of such circumstances. Without acceptance, withhold any amount of the Company's debt to the Organization from Payments received in favor of the Company and/or from the balance of the System replenished by the Company as part of the Payout Transactions, as to which the Company gives full direct consent hereunder. The Organization shall notify the Company of any withholdings made. by the Company of any of its obligations determined by the Agreement - until the Company completely eliminates the violation committed.
4.2.3.Require the Company to conduct interim reconciliations of settlements under the Agreement in the event of discrepancies.
4.2.4.Post information about cooperation with the Company, as well as trademarks or other images that represent means of identification of the Company and/or its services in the relevant Payment acceptance points, in printed materials and on Internet websites used by the Organization to accept Payments from Payers.
4.2.5.Unilaterally change the terms of the Agreement to improve them for the Company, subject to mandatory notification of the Company.
4.2.6. In order to fulfill obligations hereunder, the Organization may assign some of its rights and powers to third parties. The assignment by the Organization of its rights and powers hereunder does not release the Organization from fulfilling obligations hereunder and does not relieve the Organization of liability for violation of obligations provided herein.
4.2.7. Unilaterally and extrajudicially terminate this Agreement if during the period of its validity the Company does not accept Payments and/or perform Payout transactions using the System for 90 (ninety) consecutive calendar days or more. In this case, the notification procedure shall be carried out by any method not prohibited by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and at the same time, after 1 (one) working day from the date of sending the notification, the Organization shall disconnect the Company from the System. The Parties hereby equate correspondence by e-mail to official document flow.
4.3.The Company shall:4.3.1.Comply with all requirements and rules for the System operation, the user manual for the personal account in the System, which are an integral part of the Agreement, as well as all instructions of the Organization (including instructions for a specific type of Payment issued by the System when paying for a certain product, work, or service).
4.3.2.Accurately and reliably provide all necessary information for accepting Payments and making Payouts.
4.3.3.Independently cover all taxes associated with the Company’s activities.
4.3.4.In order to prevent any losses that may be caused to the Organization, notify the Organization in writing within 3 (three) business days of the adoption by authorized bodies of restrictive decisions/actions against the Company, such as: reorganization or liquidation of the Company; of debit transactions on any bank account of the Company; of money and/or other property of the Company; decisions or actions that are essential for the execution of this Agreement.
4.3.5.Notify the Organization in writing of all changes and amendments to the documents submitted upon conclusion of this Agreement, as well as in the event of any change in the executive body, telephone numbers, e-mail, legal/actual address, bank details, constituent documents, information on the website and other information provided by the Company to the Organization, within 3 (three) business days from the date of such changes/amendments.
4.4.The Company may:4.4.1.Use the System and its Services in any accessible and permitted manner.
4.4.2.Access the System in any convenient manner permitted by the System.
4.4.3.Request information from the Organization regarding accepted Payments and Payout transactions involving cards through the System. The information shall be provided by the Organization taking into account the requirements and restrictions established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
4.4.4.During the term of the Agreement, place the trademark (service mark) of the Organization in all types of advertising and information materials related to the execution of the Agreement, having previously notified the Organization about this and received the written consent of the Organization.
4.4.5.Place the System logo and the corresponding hypertext link to the Organization's Website (and/or the website of the Payment System, if such a requirement exists) on the website of the Company’s Online Store/Website with a description of the terms of Payments to be made through the System and to be accessible for the Payers.
Rights and obligations of the Parties regarding the fulfillment of requirements of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan On combating the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism, as well as the requirements of International payment systems.4.5.1. The Parties hereby undertake to comply with the requirements of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan On combating the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism (hereinafter referred to as LRK POD/FT/FROMU), including the internal requirements of the Organization, including fulfilling the obligations established to comply with the requirements of the International Payment Systems (hereinafter referred to as IPS). The requirements shall be fulfilled through compliance with the rights and obligations established for the Parties in the relevant rules:
LRK POD/FT/FROMU compliance rules;
IPS rules and terms according to the Chargeback procedure, which represent an integral part of this Agreement and are subject to mandatory application and execution by the Parties within the framework of the provision of payment services by the Organization in favor of the Company.
5. Responsibility of the Parties
5.1.The Parties shall be liable according to the applicable legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and this Agreement to the extent of direct actual damage and the amounts of penalties specified herein.
5.2.Should the Organization fail to fulfill or improperly fulfill its obligations under paragraph 4.1.5 hereof, the Company shall be entitled to demand payment of a penalty in the amount of 0.1% (zero point one percent) of the amount of remuneration specified in the Work/service completion certificate for the billing month for each day of delay, but not more than 10% (ten percent) of such amount.
5.3.In the event of failure to fulfill the provisions of paragraph 4.3.2 hereof, the Organization shall be enabled to demand from the Company payment of a penalty in the amount of 0.1% (zero point one percent) of the amount transferred in favor of the Company, but not more than 10% (ten percent) of such amount.
5.4.The amounts of penalty and/or damage provided for or incurred hereunder shall be paid by corresponding Party within 5 (five) business days from the date of receipt of the relevant notice and invoice from the other Party whose rights have been violated by the failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment of obligations.
5.5.Payment of the penalty and/or damage shall not release the Parties from fulfilling their obligations under the Agreement. Collection of penalties/damages is the right, rather than the obligation of the Parties.
5.6.Each Party shall be liable for the actions of persons, including employees, who have access to the System management, in relation to Payments made through the System in violation of the requirements of the Agreement, as well as for actions directed against the Settlement Participants.
5.7.The Company shall independently compensate in full for the losses incurred by the
Organization as a result of claims or other demands by Payers against the Organization caused by the Company's failure to fulfill its obligations to Payers.5.8.The Company shall compensate the Organization for any losses incurred by the Organization, if such losses were related to the sale of goods/works/services of the Company prohibited for sale by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and prohibited for sale via the Internet in accordance with the Rules of the International Payment Systems.
5.9.The Organization shall be liable for actual losses incurred by the third parties and the Company as a result of its failure to comply with the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In the implementation of its activities, including the implementation of activities through its own System.
5.10.The Company shall be liable for actual losses incurred by the Organization and third parties as a result of the Company's failure to comply with the terms and conditions hereof, the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan regarding the implementation of its activities, including the implementation of activities through the Organization's System.
5.11.Should the Company cause damage to the business reputation of the Organization, the Company shall compensate the Organization for the losses/damage caused, based on a written claim submitted by the Organization. The Organization and the Company shall, in each individual case, stipulate the procedure for compensation by the Company for damage caused to the business reputation of the Organization, including withholding from amounts due to the Company or payments based on invoices issued by the Organization. The Organization may suspend settlements under the Agreement until the claims stipulated by this clause of the Agreement are settled.5.12.The Company shall reimburse the Organization in full for the actual, documented amounts of fines, fees and penalties imposed on the Organization by IPS due to the Company's violations of the provisions of this Agreement and the IPS Rules.
5.13.The Organization shall not bear any liability in the event of disagreements and disputes between the Company and the Payer regarding the goods/works/services sold by the Company.
5.14.The Organization shall not be liable for malfunctions of hardware, software, power supply and data transmission systems that did not arise through the Organization’s fault.
5.15.The Organization shall not be liable for the content of information provided by the Company for posting on the information materials and resources of the Company and payment services.
5.16.The Organization shall not be liable for any delay in transferring remuneration to the Company if such delay is caused by untimely written notification to the Organization of a change in the Company’s details.
5.17.The Organization shall not be liable for any disputes or disagreements between the Company and Payers regarding Payments made using cards through the Company’s Online Store/Website, related to failures in the operation of the software and electronic communication channels used by the Company when making the above Payments, as well as in cases related to the provision by the Company of data protection when making these Payments, and in other situations arising through the Company’s fault.
6. System Support
6.1.The Organization shall provide the system support during the entire term hereof.
6.2.The Company shall formulate the problem and send a request to the Organization's email address:
6.3.Within 24 (twenty-four) hours from the receipt of the above request, the Organization shall send to the Company’s email a notification about the acceptance of the request for execution and the relevant deadlines.
6.4.The support does not include training of the Company's personnel in the use of the System. For training purposes, use the user manual located on the Organization's website.
7.Confidentiality. Personal data
7.1.The Organization shall ensure the confidentiality of the data received when providing payment services, as well as the protection of personal data of the Company's clients in accordance with the personal data confidentiality and protection policy.
7.2.The Parties shall be responsible for the disclosure or loss of confidential information, in accordance with this Agreement and the applicable legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
8. Force Majeure
8.1.The Parties shall not be liable for failure to perform or improper performance of obligations hereunder, if such failure was caused by force majeure (fire, flood, earthquake, etc.), deliberate actions of third parties, changes in applicable legislation, as well as decisions of state bodies, provided that these circumstances were beyond the reasonable control of the Parties and made it impossible for either Party to perform its obligations under the Agreement.
8.2.The deadline for fulfilling obligations under the Agreement shall be extended proportionally to the time during which the force majeure circumstances were in effect.
8.3.Either Party, for which the violation of the obligation was caused by the force majeure circumstances, shall notify the other Party in writing of the occurrence and termination of force majeure circumstances within 10 (ten) calendar days from the date of occurrence/termination of the force majeure circumstances.
8.4.The documents issued by the competent authorities of the Republic of Kazakhstan serve as evidence of the existence and duration of force majeure circumstances.
8.5.Failure to notify or untimely notification deprives the Party of the right to refer to any of the above circumstances.
8.6.If the failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment of obligations under the Agreement in accordance with paragraph 9.1 hereof lasts for more than 2 (two) calendar months, then each Party shall be able to terminate the Agreement unilaterally, notifying the other Party thereof no later than 10 (ten) calendar days prior to the expected date of termination of the Agreement.
9. Agreement Termination and Amendment Procedure
9.1.This Agreement shall become binding on the Parties from the date of signing the Questionnaire for connection to the System.
9.2.The Agreement may be terminated at any time by either Party, subject to prior notice to the other Party 30 (thirty) calendar days prior to the expected date of termination and subject mutual settlements made by the Parties. The Parties shall reconcile settlements and pay off monetary obligations identified as a result of the reconciliation within no more than 30 (thirty) calendar days from the date of receipt of the Agreement Termination Notice, after which the Agreement shall be deemed terminated.9.3.At the Company’s request, the Agreement may be suspended for a period not exceeding 10 (ten) calendar days. The basis for suspension of the Agreement shall be the written consent of the Organization to the Company’s request, containing the terms of suspension and the procedure for resuming the Agreement.
9.4.The Agreement may be terminated unilaterally at the initiative of the Organization without observing the deadlines specified in paragraph 9.2 hereof in the event of a refusal by payment services and the acquiring bank to service the Payments and Payouts of the Company, regardless of the reason for such refusal, as well as in the event of a violation by the Company of the subparagraphs specified in paragraph 4.3 hereof.
9.5.The Agreement may be terminated unilaterally at the initiative of the Organization without observing the deadlines specified in paragraph 9.2 hereof, if, during the review of the transactions performed by the Company, suspicions arise that business relations under this Agreement are used by the Company for the purpose of legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism.
9.6.The Agreement may be terminated unilaterally at the initiative of the Company without observing the deadlines specified in paragraph 9.2 hereof, in the event of a violation by the Organization of the obligations specified in paragraph 4.1 of the Agreement, as well as in case of disagreement of the Company with amendments stipulated by clause 4.2.1 hereof.
9.7.In case of unilateral termination of the Agreement, the initiating Party shall send the
Agreement Termination Notice made in writing by mail with a delivery confirmation or by courier. The Agreement shall be deemed terminated from the day such notice is received by the other Party
9.8.In case of unilateral termination of the Agreement, the Organization shall disconnect the Company from the System on the day the Party received the
Agreement Termination Notice.
9.9.The obligations to accept Payments and make Payouts by the Organization in favor of the Company shall cease upon termination or suspension of the Agreement.
9.10.If the basis for termination of the Agreement was a material breach thereof by either Party, the other Party shall be entitled to demand compensation for the actual damage caused, subject to the availability of supporting documents.
9.11.The monetary obligations of the Parties, as well as the obligations determining the liability of the Parties for breach of the Agreement, shall remain in force until their full performance.
9.12. Termination or unilateral refusal to perform the Agreement shall not release the Parties from the obligation to perform all mutual settlements and payments hereunder for the transactions completed prior to the date of its termination. In cases of termination (cancellation) of the Agreement by mutual consent of the Parties or unilateral extrajudicial refusal to perform the Agreement, mutual settlements of the Parties hereunder shall be considered completed only upon expiration of the periods established by the IPS requirements for challenging transactions. The period shall begin from the moment of processing the last transaction completed during the term of the Agreement, provided that the Organization does not receive any claims within such period. If the Organization receive claims within such period for any transactions completed during the term of the Agreement, mutual settlements of the Parties hereunder shall be considered completed only upon satisfying these claims and all mutual settlements related thereto.
10. Dispute resolution procedure
10.1.The Parties agree that all disputes arising under this Agreement will be resolved extrajudicially through negotiations.
10.2.In case of failure to resolve the disputes that have arisen through negotiations, such disputes shall be resolved in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
11. Miscellaneous
11.1. The present Agreement shall enter into force on the date of its publication on the Organization's website From the date of entry into force hereof, the Agreement on connection to the Freedom Pay System shall be cancelled.
11.2.This Agreement shall apply to Companies connected to the System on the basis of the Questionnaire.
11.3.The Company shall be accessed to the terms of this Agreement by signing the relevant Questionnaire, which expresses its unconditional consent to the terms of the Agreement as a whole. The Company that does not agree with the terms and conditions hereof may terminate it by sending the Organization a corresponding written notice 30 (thirty) calendar days before the expected date of its termination to the e-mail address: Upon receipt of the corresponding notice, the Organization disconnects the Company from the System on the same day. Failure to receive a written Agreement Termination Notice from the Company by the Organization within the specified period, as well as the performance of implicative actions by the Company aimed at receiving the Organization's services (including monetary transactions through the Organization's System, providing a signed Questionnaire, actions in the personal account) means unconditional acceptance of the terms of this Agreement and consent thereto, as well as acceptance of the conditions set forth in the rules and appendices to the text of the Agreement, which represent an integral part thereof. 11.4.The Company hereby consents to the collection and processing of personal data for the purpose of the provision of services by the Organization to the Company, as well as to the transfer and cross-border transfer of personal data of the Company in accordance with the regulatory legislation. The Company undertakes to confirm the consent of personal data subjects to the collection and processing of personal data, as well as to the transfer and cross-border transfer of personal data, including holders of bank (payment) cards whose personal data is contained in the documents and information received by the Organization from the Company, to the processing and transfer of such personal data in accordance with the regulatory legislation specified herein.
11.5.The following Appendices and Rules are attached to this Agreement:
- Appendix 1 "
Questionnaire for connection to the Freedom Pay system";
- Appendix 2 "Register Form";
- Appendix 3 "Requirements for the Company";
- Rules for coordination of the Work/service completion certificate;
- Rules for compliance with LRK POD/FT/FROMU";
- IPS Rules and Chargeback procedure conditions.
12. Details of the Organization:
OrganizationFreedom Pay LLPBIN: 180 640 014 026
Address: Almaty, Almaly district, Zheltoksan street 115, 2nd floor, Office 6
IIC: KZ30 551A 1271 0016 7KZT
in Bank Freedom Finance Kazakhstan JSC